euro forecast

Today’s fall in euro-zone unemployment to 10.3% bucked the trend for negative Euro-area data, which recently saw inflation figures fall below zero and an unexpected drop in Manufacturing PMI.

March 2,2016

Manufacturing PMI data released

The new month brings with it a new set of data releases which should give us some insights into the UK economy.

March 3,2016

Export trade and Brexit

RBC Capital Markets have put out some useful pointers to help form the debate over the UK’s in/out referendum on future European Union membership.

March 1,2016

Warwick Business School Inflation

The downside risks to economic growth in 2016 have increased relative to a quarter ago.

February 25,2016

28 4 pound forecast week

Hedging currency risk was once the preserve of the super-rich, multi-national corporations and cliques of derivatives traders, however, with volatility at an all-time high  everyone should be considering ways to manage their FX exposure. 

February 23,2016

International trade and investment in event of Brexit

Foreign investment demand for UK assets will remain as robust as ever in the event of the UK leaving the European Union it is argued.

March 8,2016

Pound to euro finds solid support

What to watch out for in the mid-week session.

February 18,2016

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