Wheat prices and the exchange rate in 2016

The euro to dollar conversion will be the most important influence over wheat prices in 2016 it is argued.

January 6,2016

london city

Since the financial crisis companies have been stockpiling cash at a faster rate than ever before. Now cash-strapped governments are trying to get corporates to shoulder more of the financial burden, if this trend continues what could be the impact on currencies and the macro-economic system?

December 12,2015


The Swedish kronor is expected to rise steadily in 2016 on the back of stronger economic growth and a less doveish Riksbank. 

December 30,2015

employment data pound sterling

Recrtuiters are finding it harder and harder to fill vacancies because of dwindling pool of talent according to a KPMG/Rec jobs report, entitled "Permenant Places rise fastest in 7-months."  The tightening labour market is pushing up wages but analysts remain cautious about whether it could be enough to bring forward the timing of the Bank of England's next rate hike.

December 9,2015

Swiss National Bank to hold steady on exchange rates

Analysts predict the Swiss National Bank to keep rates on hold next week, despite a recent rate cut at the European Central Bank.

December 5,2015

UK inflation to keep rates lower say AFEX

Market-based indicators of when the Bank of England might raise interest rates are showing a delay of over a year, according to Associated Foreign Exchange (AFEX) risk manager Lucy Lillicrap.

December 3,2015

Chinese Yuan

As was expected, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) granted Chinese Yuan reserve asset status.

December 1,2015

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