Live British Pound to South African Rand Exchange Rate(GBP/ZAR) Interbank Conversion:

What is the British Pound to South African Rand Rate Today?

The live GBP/ZAR exchange rate is23.22
Change on Previous Day's Close-0.1%

How does Today's South African Rand Rate Compare with Previous Rates?

Today's opening exchange rate is23.2436
Today's lowest exchange rate is23.2061
Today's best exchange rate is23.4078
Best exchange rate of the year-to-date is24.5934 (23-02-2024)
The lowest exchange rate of the year-to-date is22.3802 (02-11-2023)

News and Forecasts:

The South African Rand rose against an underperforming Pound in mid-week trade but lagged behind others after retail sales figures surprised on the low side of expectations and inflation numbers led some analysts to suggest an end of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) interest rate cycle is near.

February 15,2023

The Pound to Rand exchange rate built further on recent gains early this week and could have scope to reach two-year highs around the 22.0 handle up ahead if economic data remain conducive to a stronger Sterling and softer Rand, or if the U.S. Dollar rebounds from nascent losses. 

February 14,2023

The South African Rand was an underperformer among comparable currencies in the week to Friday but could rally by five percent or more if a recently announced plan to fill the national energy supply deficit pans out in the months ahead, according to RBC Capital Markets. 

February 10,2023

The Pound to Rand exchange rate has been quick to pare early February losses and third party central bank events may lead to further gains this week but there is also potentially the risk of a State of the Nation Address (SONA) surprise that could be very bearish for GBP/ZAR on Thursday.

February 8,2023

The Rand struggled for traction in the penultimate session of the week as the Dollar pared earlier losses but some offshore analysts have tipped the South African currency as a buy and Wednesday's Federal Reserve (Fed) press conference may have bolstered confidence in its prospects. 

February 2,2023

A softening South African Rand helped to lift GBP/ZAR alongside USD/ZAR and others in the penultimate session of the week after the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) downgraded forecasts for the local economy and lifted its cash rate by less than many forecasters were anticipating. 

January 26,2023

The Pound to Rand exchange rate is one of the best performing Sterling pairs of the year thus far and could be set to retain an upside bias in the days ahead owing to abundant headwinds weighing on the South African currency.

January 24,2023


The Pound to Rand exchange rate remained buoyant around the 21.0 level and close to one-month highs in mid-week trade after South African inflation surprised on the downside of expectations in contrast to the picture in Britain where core inflation remained stubbornly elevated at year-end. 

January 23,2023

The Pound to Rand exchange rate climbed to one-month highs early in the new week and appeared on course to rise back above the 21.0 handle for a period of time in the days ahead but much likely depends on the central bank policy implications of dual inflation reports due out on Wednesday. 

January 17,2023

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