Euro on the back foot

The Euro's stellar run since global financial markets caught the coronavirus jitters has left the currency looking expensive in short-term timeframes, and a retracement of a portion of its gains was always likely. The fundamental trigger to the Euro's pullback meanwhile appears to be the rally in global stock markets, to which the Euro is negatively correlated. In short, when markets are selling off the Euro tends to find support, when markets are rising the Euro fades back.

March 4,2020

Euro exchanage rates

Pound Sterling has edged higher against the Euro over the course of the past 24 hours, but the gains failed to convince that a meaningful turnaround in fortunes for the heavily sold UK currency is about to transpire.

March 4,2020

Bank of England

The sell-off in Pound Sterling has been spectacular: the UK currency has shed four months of hard-fought gains - gains that encompassed the signing of a Brexit deal and a landslide election victory - in the space of a mere five days.

March 3,2020

Virus outbreak

Euro exchange rates were seen pushing higher as the single currency proves to be one of the big winners of an ongoing stock market rout linked to the coronavirus outbreak.

March 2,2020

The Pound-to-Euro rate suffered its largest decline since the flash crash of October 2016 last week but further steep losses cannot be ruled out for the week ahead given a resilient performance from the Euro and an evolving coronavirus not-pandemic that could weigh disproportionately on Pound Sterling. 

March 1,2020

Coronavrius outbreak cina

Foreign exchange analysts at one of northern Europe's largest lenders, Nordea Markets, have adjusted higher their forecasts for the British Pound against the Euro, citing relative exposure to the Coronavirus for the move.

February 24,2020

The Pound has faltered in its uptrend against the Euro and now opens the new week in neutral territory on the charts as some strategists suggest the acrimonious tone of talks between the UK and EU could soon weigh heavier on Sterling. 

February 23,2020

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