“In a general equilibrium world, the euro area’s twin surplus could make a case for moderate EUR overvaluation,” - ANZ

March 1,2018

Italian flag Eurozone flag

Pound Sterling could be among the beneficiaries should the Italian election trigger a “market unfriendly” outcome say J.P. Morgan.

February 28,2018

Bank of England exchange rates

Why what Sir Dave Ramsden said over the weekend concerning future changes in interest rates at the Bank of England matters for the Pound.

February 27,2018

exchange rates 1

The GBP/EUR exchange rate extends its sideways trend and for another week, although risks remain to the upside.

February 26,2018

Barnier and Davis

There may even be a case for recommending a Sterling put due to a win-win for the Pound on Brexit, however hard or soft the final conclusion is.

February 25,2018

Exchange rate forecasts Amundi

Amundi - the asset manager that boasts €1.4 trillion worth of assets under management - have warned that Sterling faces significant downside should the kind of Brexit deal they are expecting be delivered.

April 18,2018

Industrial and Manufacturing sector data out later

The UK industrial sector is back in focus on Tuesday, February 20 with the release of the CBI's Industrial Trends survey.

February 20,2018

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