What is the British Pound to South African Rand Rate Today? | |
The live GBP/ZAR exchange rate is | 23.0684 |
Change on Previous Day's Close | +0.02% |
How does Today's South African Rand Rate Compare with Previous Rates? | |
Today's opening exchange rate is | 23.0633 |
Today's lowest exchange rate is | 23.0413 |
Today's best exchange rate is | 23.0831 |
Best exchange rate of the year-to-date is | 24.5934 (23-02-2024) |
The lowest exchange rate of the year-to-date is | 22.4404 (07-11-2024) |
Change is imperative if South Africa is to avoid losing its last investment grade credit rating but the ANC's weekend leadership election is too close to call.
December 13,2017
The Rand won a stay of execution in November and, with the winds of political change blowing, newfound stability should prevail in December.
December 7,2017
Political and budget challenges could mean 2018 is another tough year for the Rand which could allow GBP/ZAR to break above 20.00.
December 5,2017
A leadership struggle in South Africa could impact on the Rand, whilst the Pound will probably take its cue from Brexit politics; meanwhile, indications from GBP/ZAR price charts are, sadly, contradictory.
December 4,2017
Strange but true: the Rand is strengthening, yet what could be propelling it higher and will it last?
November 29,2017
Despite a negative assessment from rating's agencies the Rand traded relatively mutedly versus the Pound, although the chart remains bullish suggesting Rand losses may follow.
November 27,2017
The South African currency is at risk of a sell-off on Friday as rating agencies decide whether to downgrade the country's credit rating or not, with potentially devastating consequences for its currency.
November 23,2017
With the election of a new President and a worsening credit rating the prospects for South Africa and its currency do not look bright, however, some currency analysts are questioning how much lower it can go.
November 21,2017
A credit rating review of South Africa (SA), a meeting of the SA central bank and ongoing political risk suggest the possibility of volatility; whilst in the UK the chancellor unveils his autumn budget and charts still recommend more upside.
November 21,2017
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