Live British Pound to South African Rand Exchange Rate(GBP/ZAR) Interbank Conversion:

What is the British Pound to South African Rand Rate Today?

The live GBP/ZAR exchange rate is23.0691
Change on Previous Day's Close+0.02%

How does Today's South African Rand Rate Compare with Previous Rates?

Today's opening exchange rate is23.0633
Today's lowest exchange rate is23.0413
Today's best exchange rate is23.0831
Best exchange rate of the year-to-date is24.5934 (23-02-2024)
The lowest exchange rate of the year-to-date is22.4404 (07-11-2024)

News and Forecasts:

rand exchange rates 4

The Pound-to-Rand retains a bullish bid as markets fail to break lower.

October 4,2017

A resurgent greenback may continue to hamper the South African Rand in the short term while, toward year-end, domestic politics in South Africa should also garner more attention.

October 2,2017

rand exchange rates 6

There is no real change from our previous technical forecast for the Rand which has pulled back marginally over the last week but is still in an established uptrend which is expected to continue.

September 25,2017

Trader exchange rates

The Pound-to-Rand exchange rate can still rise higher suggest our latest technical studies while we watch central banks for fundamental guidance.

September 20,2017

south african rand 5

“This quarter has the potential to be the most volatile one for the year and could be a bumpy ride towards Christmas.”

September 12,2017

rand exchange rates 7

A surprise 2.5% boost to second quarter growth was not enough to support the South African Rand last week, which ended Friday lower against the Pound.

September 11,2017

south african rand 3

Rising US Treasury prices and falling yields could see further pressure on the Dollar, but particularly against high-yielding currencies like the Rand.

September 6,2017

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