Lloyds Bank exchange rate

Near-term direction in Sterling appears to be pointed lower warns an analyst with Lloyds Bank’s Commercial Banking unit.

November 9,2017

BNP Paribas exchange rate forecasts

UK economic growth in 2018 is tipped to slow at a faster rate than economists and policy makers at the Bank of England expect; and this surprise will have material implications for the value of Pound Sterling.

November 9,2017

Trader exchange rates

Pound Sterling was hit by an all-round stronger US Dollar while a holding pattern against the Euro is emerging as markets bide their time ahead of the next round of Brexit talks.

November 7,2017

Theresa May

A strong start to the week for GBP with Prime Minister May reaffirming a committment to agree a transition deal with the EU as soon as possible as Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn heaps pressure saying for businesses the issue of transition deal agreement “more uncertain and precarious than ever”.

November 9,2017

Trader exchange rates

Expect the British Pound to assume a defensive position over the coming week but the prospects of a continued recovery in 2018 should not be discounted.

November 7,2017

Falling UK inflation and rising rates could combine with higher inflation and a flat cash rate in Europe to improve the relative real-yield position in favour of the Pound during the coming quarters.

November 9,2017


Both earlier surveys of construction and manufacturing industries came in better than was expected, while the latest GDP report suggested Britain's economy may have regained some momentum during the third-quarter.

November 3,2017

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