exchange rate forecasts 3

Recent flows data suggests European monetary stimulus has been helping to finance the UK and when it is switched off UK debt markets may suffer but the Pound may rise..

January 24,2018

Wednesday’s data comes as the European Central Bank prepares to walk the tightrope of January’s monetary policy statement and press conference.

January 24,2018

us dollar exchange rate 2

Inflation around the globe is picking up and inflicting severe loses on bond markets but what does it mean for FX?

January 17,2018

Employment data British Pound

Permanent placements rise at quicker pace as temporary billings continue to expand sharply, meanwhile demand for staff moderates slightly but remains robust.

January 9,2018

london city foreign exchange

Brexit remains the elephant in the room for U.K. companies in 2018 but, with inflation now set to abate, economists see scope for a pickup in growth.

January 8,2018

Construction sector grows

Mid-week data out of the U.K. confirms the construction sector continues to grow, but the headline figure released by IHS Markit and the CIPS disappointed at expectations.

January 3,2018

british flag exchange rates 1

Spending by tourists visiting the UK has surged at its fastest rate in seven years, according to recent data from the Office of National Statistics(ONS).

December 27,2017

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