pound to dollar exchange rate GBP USD

The US dollar exchange rate complex (USD) - the largest gainer in recent weeks - has been hit by some disappointing labour market statistics.

September 7,2014

exchange rate news views and forecasts

Pound Sterling Live brings you the latest news, views and forecasts for the three key currencies we follow - the euro (EUR),  the British pound (GBP) and the US dollar (USD).

September 5,2014

best dollar exchange rate

The US dollar exchange rate complex (USD) continues to menace its peers as softening economic trajectories in China and the euro area alongside expectations for a steadily improving economic environment in the U.S play squarely into the hands of USD bulls.

September 4,2014

us dollar exchange rate

The British pound (GBP) had enjoyed a recovery against the US dollar (USD) through the final days of August and into the new month with some forex analysts calling an end to the spell of weakness seen through July and August.

September 4,2014

us dollar exchange rates today

Pound Sterling Live join a number of other analysts in believing the British pound (GBP) is in for a decent September based on the prospects for the release of positive economic data.

However, there is one unknown that currency markets need to consider - and that is the referendum on Scotland's independence due on the 18th. The uncertainty here could make the data releases redundant as it is uncertainty that markets truly dislike.

September 3,2014

exchange rates September western union comment

Above: Western Union's Nawaz Ali says early September will be key for the euro on the global FX markets.

As we move into the new month we see the euro remains under pressure against both the dollar and British pound (GBP).

October 2,2014

sterling exchange rate foreast vs dollar

The US dollar (USD) continues to dominate the exchange rate scene in late summer and we would hesitate to call an end to the advances just yet.

August 30,2014

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