Scope for Pound-to-Euro to push higher next week now EUR/USD has topped out, Catalan election result is weighing and Sterling is supported by data.

December 22,2017

pound to euro 1

Sterling may have gained a small respite from stronger UK economic data but this probably won't be enough to overcome an increasingly ugly chart.

December 22,2017

There is scope for Pound-to-Euro to edge higher over the remainder of this week after EURUSD tops out. Tax cuts, Brexit, UK economic data in focus.

December 21,2017

US tax-reforms are imminent. UK wage growth is picking up. The UK consumer outlook is clouded. Barnier puts end-date on transition and softens on trade.

December 21,2017

The British currency's outperformance during November, political uncertainty and imminent tax-reforms in the US are both factors helping to constrain the Pound Tuesday.

December 19,2017

Brussels’ Phase 2 negotiating guidelines may have opened a fresh can of worms for Sterling and, in a quiet week for economic data, politics will be front and centre for the currency. 

December 18,2017


"Sufficient Progress" has been declared but the rub for Sterling is that Brussels has thrown down another gauntlet for PM May with its Phase 2 guidelines.

December 16,2017

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