The oil price is likely to stabilise once into 2019, according analyst at Barclays, and risks to those projections are slanted firmly to the downside but not everybody got the message as some strategist are now betting heavily an sharp increase in prices over coming months. 

November 2,2018

The U.K. manufacturing outlook darkened during October, according to the latest IHS Markit PMI survey, as "trade tensions" and "Brexit uncertainty" led to a decline in new orders and employment among the nation's industrial firms.

November 2,2018

The global economy is headed toward what one economist is describing as a reasonably sharp slowdown over coming years as activity is stymied not long after the U.K. will have left the European Union, according to Capital Economics. 

October 31,2018

The outlook for the U.K. economy has improved in 2018, according to the latest round of Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) forecasts, suggesting the lacklustre growth rates seen earlier in the year won't be repeated going forward. 

October 30,2018

A U.S. economic figures surprised on the downside for the month of September this Thursday, leading some economists to warn that Friday's third-quarter GDP number could leave financial markets disappointed.

October 26,2018

U.K. manufacturers saw a downturn in client demand during the quarter to October, according the latest Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Industrial Trends survey, while expectations for output growth into year-end have fallen to their lowest level for three years. 

October 23,2018

U.K. government borrowing fell its lowest September level for the 11 years last month, according to Office for National Statistics data released Friday, taking total borrowing for the year-to-date down to its lowest since 2002.

October 19,2018

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