Settled 2.2832 +0.26% | Set Alert |
= | 2.2832 GBP into AWG |
Bid: 2.26845 | |
Ask: 2.29379 | |
Today’s Open: 2.28324 | |
Today’s High: 2.28324 | |
Today’s Low: 2.28324 | |
Previous day’s Close: 2.27722 | |
Current Week High: 2.28324 | |
Current Week Low: 2.27722 | |
Current Month High: 2.28324 | |
Current Month Low: 2.27722 | |
Year 2024 High: 2.41488 | |
Year 2024 Low: 1.77741 |
The most recent exchange rate data places the Pound at 2.2832 against the Aruba Florin, a increase of 0.26% from the prior day's close. In the past five days, the rate experienced a high of 2.2864 and a low of 2.27722, leading to a +0.92% change. The highest rate this year is 2.41488, representing a +5.77% change. Please refer to the table below for additional statistics.
Today’s Price: | 2.28324 |
One Week Change | |
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 5 Days: | 2.27758 |
Price Change Five Day: | 0.02082 |
Percent Change Five Day: | +0.92% |
One Month Change | |
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 20 Days: | 2.29045 |
Price Change Twenty Day: | -0.05145 |
Percent Change Twenty Day: | -2.2% |
50 Days Change | |
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 50 Days: | 2.33464 |
Price Change Fifty Day: | -0.06172 |
Percent Change Fifty Day: | -2.63% |
100 Days Change | |
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 100 Days: | 2.33107 |
Price Change One Hundred Day: | -0.002 |
Percent Change One Hundred Day: | -0.09% |
200 Days Change | |
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 200 Days: | 2.30446 |
Price Change Two Hundred Day: | -0.01066 |
Percent Change Two Hundred Day: | -0.46% |
Current Volume: | 0 |
Today's Volume US Dollar Equivalent: | 0 |
Average Daily Volume Traded 5 Days: | 1 |
Average Daily Volume Traded 20 Days: | 1 |
Average Daily Volume Traded 50 Days: | 1 |
Average Daily Volume Traded 100 Days: | 0 |
Average Daily Volume Traded 200 Days: | 0 |
Average Daily Volume Traded Year-to-Date: | 0 |
Highest Exchange Rate: | 2.34268 (2024-11-05) |
Lowest Exchange Rate: | 2.2561 (2024-11-22) |
Highest Exchange Rate: | 2.41488 (2024-09-27) |
Lowest Exchange Rate: | 2.2561 (2024-11-22) |
Highest Exchange Rate: | 2.41488 (2024-09-27) |
Lowest Exchange Rate: | 2.2561 (2024-11-22) |
Highest Exchange Rate: | 2.41488 (2024-09-27) |
Lowest Exchange Rate: | 2.22235 (2024-04-22) |