Credit Agricole vs Forextell AUD

We hear two viewpoints concerning the Australian dollar's outlook - Credit Agricole tell us why they are sellers of AUD/USD and a professional trader tells us why he is taking the contrarian viewpoint.

February 2,2015

Aus dollar and rate divergence

The Australian dollar (AUD) continues to depreciate drifting towards multi-year lows.

January 12,2015

St George bank exchange rate analysis

St George Bank AUD Forecasts for 2015 have been released and a softer Aus dollar exchange rate complex is predicted.

January 2,2015

RBA Stevens Australian Dollar

The Aus dollar is forecast to weaken further as the Reserve Bank of Australia says it sees fair value far lower than it currently trades at.

December 15,2014

RBA and the Australian dollar

Australian dollar forecasts from a number of sources, the Reserve Bank of Australia included, confirm the currency is overvalued.

December 4,2014

australian dollar projections against euro Franc and CAD

UBS have updated their forecasts for the Aus dollar against CAD, EUR and CHF.

November 29,2014

aus dollar vs pound sterling

Pound Sterling Live take a look at the likely direction the Australian dollar exchange rate complex is likely to adopt towards the end of 2014 and early 2015.

November 26,2014

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