Latest Pound to Russian Rouble Rate and Live GBP/RUB Data

Live GBP/RUB Exchange Rate Data, Calculator, Chart, Statistics, Volumes and History

Live 125.8730 +0.15% Set Alert Set Alert
= 125.8730

GBP into RUB

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GBP/RUB Live Chart and Data

The latest data indicates the Pound is currently at 125.873 against the Russian Rouble, reflecting a +0.15% change from the previous day’s close. Over the last five days, the exchange rate peaked at 127.086 and dipped to 124.147, marking a 2.37% increase overall. This year’s highest rate stands at 128.218, showing a +1.86% change. For additional details, please refer to the table below.

How Does Today’s GBP To RUB Exchange Rate Compare to Previous Rates?

Today’s Price:125.873
One Week Exchange Rate Comparison
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 5 Days:125.824
Price Change Five Day:-1.022
Percent Change Five Day:-0.81%
One Month Exchange Rate Comparison
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 20 Days:125.635
Price Change Twenty Day:1.286
Percent Change Twenty Day:+1.03%
50 Days Exchange Rate Comparison
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 50 Days:121.776
Price Change Fifty Day:9.335
Percent Change Fifty Day:+8.02%
100 Days Exchange Rate Comparison
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 100 Days:116.784
Price Change One Hundred Day:11.644
Percent Change One Hundred Day:+10.2%
200 Days Exchange Rate Comparison
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 200 Days:116.101
Price Change Two Hundred Day:11.638
Percent Change Two Hundred Day:+10.2%

GBP into RUB Average Daily Volumes Traded:

The quantity of contracts traded
Current Volume:528
Today's Volume US Dollar Equivalent:0
Average Daily Volume Traded 5 Days:1344
Average Daily Volume Traded 20 Days:1319
Average Daily Volume Traded 50 Days:1307
Average Daily Volume Traded 100 Days:1298
Average Daily Volume Traded 200 Days:2222
Average Daily Volume Traded Year-to-Date:2172

GBP/RUB Exchange Rate Performance One Month:

Highest Exchange Rate:128.218 (2024-10-15)
Lowest Exchange Rate:122.052 (2024-09-24)

GBP/RUB Exchange Rate Performance Three Month:

Highest Exchange Rate:128.218 (2024-10-15)
Lowest Exchange Rate:107.865 (2024-08-06)

GBP/RUB Exchange Rate Performance Six Month:

Highest Exchange Rate:128.218 (2024-10-15)
Lowest Exchange Rate:105.631 (2024-06-20)

GBP/RUB Exchange Rate Performance Past 52 Weeks:

Highest Exchange Rate:128.218 (2024-10-15)
Lowest Exchange Rate:105.631 (2024-06-20)