Latest Australian Dollar to Icelandic Krona Rate and Live AUD/ISK Data

Live AUD/ISK Exchange Rate Data, Calculator, Chart, Statistics, Volumes and History

Live 92.7759 -0.2211% Set Alert Set Alert
= 92.7759
1 AUD buys 92.312-89.5287 ISK:
Bid: 93.1968
Ask: 92.4867
Today’s Open: 92.984
Today’s High: 92.9725
Today’s Low: 92.8587
Previous day’s Close: 92.9815
Current Week High: 93.2339
Current Week Low: 92.3222
Past 5 Days High: 93.2339
Past 5 Days Low: 92.3222
Current Month High: 94.0489
Current Month Low: 91.7637
Past 30 Days High: 94.0489
Past 30 Days Low: 91.7637

View Past and Historical Exchange Rates

How Does Today’s AUD To ISK Exchange Rate Compare to Previous Rates?

Today’s Price:92.7759
One Week Exchange Rate Comparison
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 5 Days:
Price Change Five Day:
Percent Change Five Day:0%
One Month Exchange Rate Comparison
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 20 Days:
Price Change Twenty Day:
Percent Change Twenty Day:0%
50 Days Exchange Rate Comparison
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 50 Days:
Price Change Fifty Day:
Percent Change Fifty Day:0%
100 Days Exchange Rate Comparison
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 100 Days:
Price Change One Hundred Day:
Percent Change One Hundred Day:0%
200 Days Exchange Rate Comparison
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 200 Days:
Price Change Two Hundred Day:
Percent Change Two Hundred Day:0%

AUD into ISK Average Daily Volumes Traded:

The quantity of contracts traded
Current Volume:210468
Today's Volume US Dollar Equivalent:0
Average Daily Volume Traded 5 Days:
Average Daily Volume Traded 20 Days:
Average Daily Volume Traded 50 Days:
Average Daily Volume Traded 100 Days:
Average Daily Volume Traded 200 Days:
Average Daily Volume Traded Year-to-Date:

AUD/ISK Exchange Rate Performance One Month:

Highest Exchange Rate: (0000-00-00)
Lowest Exchange Rate: (0000-00-00)

AUD/ISK Exchange Rate Performance Three Month:

Highest Exchange Rate: (0000-00-00)
Lowest Exchange Rate: (0000-00-00)

AUD/ISK Exchange Rate Performance Six Month:

Highest Exchange Rate: (0000-00-00)
Lowest Exchange Rate: (0000-00-00)

AUD/ISK Exchange Rate Performance Past 52 Weeks:

Highest Exchange Rate: (0000-00-00)
Lowest Exchange Rate: (0000-00-00)